Lynne is a Certified Conscious Uncoupling (CU) Coach and senior CU mentor coach, trained and mentored by Katherine Woodward Thomas since 2010. As a mentor, Lynne has trained hundreds of coaches to be powerful coaches themselves of others. Lynne believes the five-step transformational process of the Conscious Uncoupling program is unparalleled as a way to utilize the experience of ending a relationship for big growth. This can then propel you to new levels of loving and being loved with dignity, worthiness and joy. 

If you are now or have been broken apart, hurting, or confused by the ending of a love relationship, you might not know how to get through this time. It can feel as if your family, your life and your heart are falling apart, but you don’t have to be alone in your pain. By choosing the Conscious Uncoupling 5-step program, you can lead yourself and your family through a divorce or breakup with awareness and awakening. You will come out the other side into the light.

Here’s what you will experience in the five steps:


This step will help you relate to your emotions in a new and empowering way. The process of navigating yourself through this time can become  a platform for much growth as you receive support and guidance during what can be a very intense time.


This step will show you how to empower yourself through finding more choice in all aspects of your life. Gain confidence by understanding and clarifying patterns that have been getting in your way.


This step will help you identity and transform your old stories and beliefs about yourself and about love. You will. Learn how to stand in your worthiness, truly feel your value, and your power; the keys to creating happy, healthy love. Discover ways of relating for optimal success in your relationships.


This step will offer you potent tools to see how this time is pregnant with possibility for more joy, aliveness and self-worth. You will have a chance to release any resentments and thereby have more space for a life of love in every arena, including extended family and community.


This step is an opportunity for you to create new agreements for relating to your former partner. Participate in completion rituals to form closure and resolution. Restore your trust in life and love. Re-claim who you are in this new present.

I worked with Lynne over the course of one of the most challenging years of my life. With a backdrop of the anxiety and isolation of a global pandemic, and two parents declining health and death, I also separated from my husband of 30 years. I met Lynne as a Conscious Uncoupling Coach to help guide me through this specific transition wisely and skillfully. What revealed itself in her work and our relationship was so much more. Lynne brings to her work a depth and a wisdom of not only someone seasoned in the field of coaching and therapy, but with a truly valuable authenticity and intuitiveness. I learned from her in every conversation, even as a seasoned therapist and meditator myself! I felt completely held and seen by Lynne’s deep listening. With her emphasis on the messages of the body and breath, I continually learned to center myself as I followed her modeling, listening to my whole being and speaking from my own truest voice. With compassion, Lynne guided me to recognize my own patterns at play in relationship out of lifelong habit, and showed me the spaces and places to self-correct toward more and more authentic and skillful speech. She helped me see what was old story, what was reactivity, what was possible instead - which turns out to be infinite capacity for healing, growth and for love. Lynne and I have become co-students in the study of Mindfulness practice and teaching and I am so gratified to have witnessed her own growth edges and curiosity in these places: as skilled as she is, Lynne is always truly in Beginner’s Mind too, and brings joy and play and humor to her being and her work in the world. Always a role model in all of these ways, I will forever be grateful I met Lynne at the time I needed this compassionate and skilled support. — Susan B

To learn more about conscious uncoupling. . .