Join me on a 6-WEEK journey towards H.O.M.E.
Heartful Mindful Embodiment

Please contact her at lynnemichelson@icloud.com for questions!

Nicknamed H.O.M.E. (Heartful & Mindful Embodiment) the series will give you tools to meet whatever experience is present for you. Each week we will have fun and explore with guided meditations, interactive exercises, a short presentation and discussion. You will be helped to have a daily practice (it can be short) and every week an optional 2nd extra meditation session with Lynne.

1 hour meeting each week:

• Introduction and talk/ taste of mindfulness
• Embodiment/ Mindfulness of the body
• Feeling tones, uncovering obstacles and patterns
• Mindfulness of thoughts and Mindful listening
• Mindfulness of emotions, mindful heart presence qualities
• Bringing it all together, loving kindness, joy, gratitude

Includes optional weeknight 30-minute meditation and discussion.

**I ask you to commit to attending at least 5 sessions, with the ideal you attend all 6. Sessions will be recorded for those who need to miss a session.

Sliding Scale Fee: TBD
Aside from administrative costs, I will be donating the remaining fees to World Central Kitchen (their mission: “to use the power of food to nourish communities and strengthen economies through times of crisis and beyond”). Please contact me if you need special payment options. Email lynnemichelson@icloud.com or contact her at 314-378-7185.

For previous participants: LOG IN to access recordings and course material.


Few skills are more essential than the ability to settle your body. If you can settle your body, you are more likely to be calm, alert, and fully present, no matter what is going on around you. A settled body enables you to harmonize and connect with other bodies around you, while encouraging those bodies to settle as well. Gather together a large group of unsettled bodies or assemble a group of bodies and then unsettle them- and you get a bob or a riot. But bring a large group of settled bodies together and you have a potential movement-and a potential force for tremendous good in the world. A calm, settled body is the foundation for health, for healing. for helping others, and for changing the world.
—Excerpt from “My Grandmother’s Hands” by Resmaa Menakem